Apologia Church

Exceeding Righteousness

Episode Summary

A NOTE FROM JEFF The Kingdom of God: Exceeding Righteousness We've spent a considerable amount of time contemplating, unpacking, and exegeting the text of Matthew 5:17. It is my earnest prayer that our time in this section of Scripture has been transformative and edifying for the Saints and Apologia Church. Today, we will be looking at and listening to the Lord Jesus' statement about the righteousness of the Pharisees. What does He mean that our righteousness has to exceed the righteousness of those disciplined religious people? Is Jesus teaching moralism as a way to God? Is He teaching that only a stellar obedience to God's Law will avail before Him on the Last Day? I pray the truth we search out today will be a blessing to your life for now and eternity. Truthfully, this is where the whole message of what God does in the Gospel rests. No King but Christ! Jeff Durbin Lead Pastor/Elder Sunday, November 22, 2015