Apologia Church

Jesus and the Story of Israel(Matt 2:1-6)

Episode Summary

The Bible isn't a Hodge-podge of disconnected parts and pieces thrown together willy-nilly. The Bible is God's Revelation to the very image-bearers He placed in the world. The Bible is God's story. It is not only the very voice of God to mankind, it is the demonstration of His power in history, His immeasurable love and kindness, His mercy for sinners, and the unfathomable extent of His sovereign plan. That sovereign plan is over the macro and micro issues. It includes the whole story and the little bits in between. Part of that story is the story of Israel: a people chosen for God's own possession. And in Matthew chapter 2, we begin to see that Israel's story is actually the story of Jesus. Only, in Jesus, we have the fulfillment of what Israel (God's son) was supposed to be all along. In Jesus, we have the perfection of the image and light of God that humanity was expected to broadcast out into the world. Jesus' story is perfect. Jesus is the summary of what Israel was supposed to be. Matthew wants us to know. God kept His promises. He is in control. History is going where He wants it to go. Soli Deo Gloria! Jeff Durbin Lead Pastor/Elder Sunday, April 6, 2014