Apologia Church

Preaching The Good News(Romans 10:14)

Episode Summary

Gospel means "Good-news". In the Scriptures, it is referred to as Good-news of the Kingdom (Matthew 4) and God's Good-news (Romans 1). God is sovereign over salvation; down to every nut and every bolt of its accomplishment and its application. However, it's vitally important for us to remember that God uses the proclamation of the Gospel to bring His elect to Himself. We are the means of the grace of the Gospel when we proclaim it to the lost. God calls us, all of us, each and every one of us (Yes, you.), to bring the message of salvation in Christ into the very fabric of our daily lives. But, how do we do it? What do we say? Let's dig-in. No King but Christ! Jeff Durbin Lead Pastor/Elder Sunday, February 8, 2015